
Archive for the ‘vitamins’ Category

By now you have been blasted non stop by all the talking heads on TV about Japan’s nuclear reactor crisis. The problem is, over 95% of what these “experts” were reporting was highly inaccurate or blatantly not true.

How do I know this? Well, I worked in the nuclear energy field for over 14 years. My job was to monitor and control both radiation and contamination during the refueling of nuclear reactors for the U.S. Navy. I was trained in emergency response for just such a reactor accident that is happening right now in Japan.

There has been a lot of talk about taking potassium iodide tablets. The premise is that these tablets will flood your thyroid with iodine so your body won’t absorb the radioactive Iodine 131 that was vented from the damaged reactors. This is true BUT taking these pills could cause side effects that would be worse than any radiation exposure from I-131 here in the U.S.

In my educated opinion the amount of exposure to ANY of the radiation from these damaged nuclear plants is extremely low.

However, if you feel you would rather be safe than sorry and feel you need to be proactive and want to protect yourself and your family, I have a better, natural alternative to those iodine tablets.

I strongly suggest you start eating seaweed or taking a seaweed supplement.
Please read the following articles:

“Seaweed for protection against radiation”

“Kelp yourself to some seaweed”

Sea vegetables can protect us from a wide range of toxic elements in the environment, including heavy metals (most dental fillings still contain them) and radiation by-products, converting them into harmless salts that we can eliminate. The natural iodine in sea greens can reduce by almost 80% the radioactive iodine-131 absorbed by the thyroid.

I have been taking a “seaweed” supplement for over 7 years. It’s called Body Balance. Body Balance is a blend of 9 species of sea vegetables in organic Aloe Vera. Body Balance is a liquid WHOLE food which contains a high source of natural Iodine.

Click here for more info: Body Balance

You can also view a short video on Body Balance here:

Why Body Balance?

I hope you found this information educational and realized that being proactive about your health should be a priority before an accident of any kind occurs. Body Balance is an excellent proactive step towards maintaining long lasting health.

For more information you can email me directly at:  healthy_lifestyle@roadrunner.com

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Recently a good friend of mine was diagnosed with breast Cancer and immediately had her right breast removed. She had no family history of cancer BUT her food choices may have led to her developing Cancer.

Here are the 5 Biggest Cancer Risks for women over 40 and some helpful tips you can use to be proactive.

First, a brief history of our medical fight with Cancer:

  • 1st successful chemotherapy 1947
  • Invention of PAP Test in 1960’s has nearly eliminated death from cervical cancer
  • Bone marrow transplants pioneered in the 1970’s has dramatically increased survival rates for leukemia’s and lymphomas
  • Advances in early detection and treatment for breast cancer have improved early diagnosis and rates of remission
  • In the last 10 years new medication like “Gleevec” attack cancer cells exclusively

Yet, despite all these advances the overall death rate of cancer has ONLY dropped 5% from 1950-2005

In the past couple of years mainstream oncologists and other cancer prevention researchers are now advocating PREVENTION as the first line of defense against cancer and other chronic diseases. These oncologists and researchers are looking at what we can add to our lives that can actually boost our body’s defense mechanisms against cancer.

Dr. William Li, president and medical director of the *Angiogenesis Foundation, wants to change the way we think about food. But first we have to change the way we think about cancer.

Although one in two American men and one in three American women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, research suggests that far more of us may be walking around with cancer than we would like to believe. “In autopsy studies of people who died in car accidents, up to 40% of women between age 40 and 50 have microscopic cancers in the breast, and about 50% of men in their fifties and sixties have them in their prostate glands,” says Li. “By the time we reach our seventies, virtually 100% of us will have microscopic cancers in our thyroid glands…

Read entire article here => http://www.standup2cancer.org/node/3950

*(The formation of new blood vessels. Normal angiogenesis occurs during fetal development to create the baby’s circulatory system, as well as occurs around a wound or cut to help with healing. Tumor angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels that grow into the tumor, giving it nutrients and oxygen to assist its growth.)


Tumor growth stops if tumor angiogenesis can be stopped, thus starving the cancer of nutrients and oxygen. If tumor angiogenesis proceeds, the tumor grows and may shed cells that will cause metastasis. Avastin (bevacizumab) is an anti-angiogenesis drug used to treat metastatic breast cancer.

Know your risks…

  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Genetics…i.e. family history of cancer

5 Biggest Risks for Women over 40

  1. Diabetes has a link to Pancreatic cancer ~ 80 million people are diabetic or pre-diabetic
  2. Calcium deficiency is linked to a risk of Colon Cancer. Fewer than 15% of women over 40 get enough Calcium. Calcium binds with carcinogens in the colon to help eliminate it out of the body.
  3. Advanced gum disease, Peridontitist, has a link to Head and Neck Cancer. In fact in the saliva of people who have Peridontitist there is a protein that actually grows blood vessels that feed cancer cells.
  4. Diet high in processed meats is linked to Ovarian and other Cancers. Nitrates and Nitrites in meats can be converted into carcinogens in the body. These Carcinogens damage healthy DNA, which makes it easier for cells to turn cancerous. 1-3 slices/day of processed meats – think Deli sandwich, can increase the risk of esophageal, stomach, colon and pancreatic cancer.
  5. Dense breasts – 5x the risk of breast cancer. It has nothing to do with the size or shape but with the amount of fibrous tissue in the breast. You can only tell if you have dense breasts with a mammogram and if you do you need additional screening using ultrasound, digital mammography and MRI to be able to better detect any cancer through the dense fibrous tissue. Ask you doctor if you have dense breasts and demand additional testing!

4 SUPERFOODS that Dr. Li suggests to help prevent Cancer

  • Papaya –Papaya contains Lycopene, which is also found in tomatoes.  1 papaya/week is enough to reduce risk of cervical cancer
  • Jumbo Shrimp – High in Omega 3 fatty acids, salmon, sardines etc. 8-9 shrimp/day reduces risk of breast cancer
  • Unsalted Cashews – Cashews contain proanthocyanidins, a powerful antioxidant which starves tumors and prevents them from dividing. 12 cashews a day lower the risk of colon cancer
  • Beets – beets contain a cancer fighter called Betanin, which gives beets their dark red color and induces apoptosis or cell death in cancer tumors. 1/4 cup or 3-4 slices per day reduces risk of kidney cancer and leukemia.

No. 1 Cancer is Skin Cancer

Over one million people a year diagnosed with skin cancer and one person every hour dies from it. Vitamin D helps prevent Skin Cancer/melanoma.

Bottom line: 70% of Cancer risks are related to lifestyle, which can be modified

However, there is One SUPERFOOD Dr. Li didn’t mention and that is brown algae or sea vegetables. Most people are not aware of how powerful a cancer fighter brown sea vegetables are but an ingredient in these sea vegetables has been widely studied…

Fucoidan present in brown algae induces apoptosis of human colon cancer cells


Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide found in brown algae; it has been shown to exhibit a number of biological effects, including anti-tumor effects. In this study, we evaluated the effects of Fucoidan on apoptosis in HT-29 and HCT116 human colon cancer cells.


The findings of this study indicate that fucoidan induces apoptosis in HT-29 and HCT116 human colon cancer cells, and that this phenomenon is mediated via both the death receptor-mediated and mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathways.

These results suggest that fucoidan may prove useful in the development of a colon cancer-preventive protocol.



I believe that knowledge and Lifestyle changes can help protect you and others from developing Cancer. Please share this information with others.

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Why would anyone want to eat sea vegetables?

How about, because they offer the broadest range of minerals of any food, containing virtually all the minerals found in the ocean-the same minerals that are found in human blood.

That’s why!

Sea vegetables are an excellent source of iodine and vitamin K, a very good source of the B-vitamins, folate, and magnesium, and a good source of iron and calcium, and pantothenic acid. In addition, sea vegetables contain good amounts of lignans, plant compounds with cancer-protective properties.

Promote Optimal Health

Lignans, phytonutrients found in sea vegetables, have been shown to inhibit angiogenesis, or blood cell growth, the process through which fast-growing tumors not only gain extra nourishment, but send cancer cells out in the bloodstream to establish secondary tumors or metastases in other areas of the body. In addition, lignans have been credited with inhibiting estrogen synthesis in fat cells as effectively as some of the drugs used in cancer chemotherapy.

In postmenopausal women, fat tissue is a primary site where estrogen is synthesized, and high levels of certain estrogen metabolites (the 4OH and 16OH metabolites) are considered a significant risk factor for breast cancer.

In addition to lignans, sea vegetables are a very good source of the B-vitamin s and folic acid. Studies have shown that diets high in folate-rich foods are associated with a significantly reduced risk for colon cancer.

Promote Healthy Thyroid Function

Sea vegetables, especially kelp, are nature’s richest sources of iodine, which as a component of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), is essential to human life. The thyroid gland adds iodine to the amino acid tyrosine to create these hormones. Without sufficient iodine, your body cannot synthesize them.

Because these thyroid hormones regulate metabolism in every cell of the body and play a role in virtually all physiological functions, an iodine deficiency can have a devastating impact on your health and well-being. A common sign of thyroid deficiency is an enlarged thyroid gland, commonly called a goiter. Goiters are estimated to affect 200 million people worldwide, and in all but 4% of these cases, the cause is iodine deficiency.

Nutrient Prevention of Birth Defects and Cardiovascular Disease

The folic acid so abundant in sea vegetables plays a number of other very important protective roles. Studies have demonstrated that adequate levels of folic acid in the diet are needed to prevent certain birth defects, including spina bifida. Folic acid is also needed to break down an intermediate dangerous chemical produced during the methylation cycle called homocysteine. (Methylation is one of the most important cellular cycles through which a wide variety of important chemicals are produced.)

Homocysteine can directly damage blood vessel walls, and high levels of this chemical are associated with a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Flavoring soups and stews with sea vegetables or using them in salads is a smart strategy, especially for those dealing with atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease.

Sea vegetables pack a double punch against heart disease. In addition to their folic acid, sea vegetables are a very good source of magnesium, which has also been shown to reduce high blood pressure and prevent heart attack.

Anti-Inflammatory Action

Some sea vegetables have been shown to be unique sources of carbohydrate-like substances called fucans, which can reduce the body’s inflammatory response. Plus, as noted above, sea vegetables are a very good source of magnesium, the mineral that, by acting as a natural relaxant, has been shown to help prevent migraine headaches and to reduce the severity of asthma symptoms.

Relief for Menopausal Symptoms

Sea vegetable’s supply of relaxing magnesium may also help restore normal sleep patterns in women who are experiencing symptoms of menopause. And the lignans in sea vegetables can act as very weak versions of estrogen, one of the hormones whose levels decrease during the menopausal period. For women suffering from symptoms such as hot flashes, sea vegetable’s lignans may be just strong enough to ease their discomfort.


Sea vegetables, often called seaweed, are one of Neptune’s beautiful jewels, adorning the waters with life and providing us with a food that can enhance our diets, from both a culinary and nutritional perspective. Sea vegetables can be found growing both in the marine salt waters as well as in fresh water lakes and seas.

They commonly grow on coral reefs or in rocky landscapes, and can grow at great depths provided that sunlight can penetrate through the water to where they reside since, like plants, they need light for their survival. Yet, sea vegetables are neither plants nor animals-they are actually known as algae.

There are thousands of types of sea vegetables that are classified into categories by color, known either as brown, red or green sea vegetables. Each is unique, having a distinct shape, taste and texture. Although not all sea vegetables that exist are presently consumed, a wide range of sea vegetables are enjoyed as foods.

The following are some of the most popular types:

Nori: dark purple-black color that turns phosphorescent green when toasted, famous for its role in making sushi rolls.

Kelp: light brown to dark green in color, oftentimes available in flake form.

Hijiki: looks like small strands of black wiry pasta, has a strong flavor.

Kombu: very dark in color and generally sold in strips or sheets, oftentimes used as a flavoring for soups.

Wakame: similar to kombu, most commonly used to make Japanese miso soup.

Arame: this lacy, wiry sea vegetable is sweeter and milder in taste than many others .

Dulse: soft, chewy texture and a reddish-brown color


The consumption of sea vegetables enjoys a long history throughout the world. Archaeological evidence suggests that Japanese cultures have been consuming sea vegetables for more than 10,000 years.

In ancient Chinese cultures, sea vegetables were a noted delicacy, suitable especially for honored guests and royalty. Yet, sea vegetables were not just limited to being a featured part of Asian cuisines. In fact, most regions and countries located by waters, including Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Iceland, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and coastal South American countries have been consuming sea vegetables since ancient times.

Presently, Japan is the largest producer and exporter of sea vegetables. This may explain why many of these precious foods are often called by their Japanese names.  Japan also has one of the lowest rates of disease on the planet.  50% of their diet consists of sea vegetation.

How to Select

The best way to consume sea vegetables is by liquid if you can find it.  This way, it is a live food and allows one to absorb 98% of the nutrients.  Probably the best reason is that one doesn’t have to face the rubber taste of the plants.

One of the best products available is Body Balance from Life Force International, made from a Sea Nine Blend (consists of 3 reds, 3 browns, 3 greens).  Body Balance also contains Aloe Vera which adds to the potency of the product.


  • Blondin C, Chaubet F, Nardella A, et al. Relationships between chemical characteristics and anticomplementary activity of fucans. Biomaterials 1996 Mar;17(6):597-603 1996. PMID:11800.
  • Blondin C, Fischer E, Boisson-Vidal C, et al. Inhibition of complement activation by natural sulfated polysaccharides (fucans) from brown seaweed. Mol Immunol 1994;31(4):247-253 1994.
  • Ensminger AH, Esminger M. K. J. e. al. Food for Health: A Nutrition Encyclopedia. Clovis, California: Pegus Press; 1986 1986. PMID:15210.
  • Goldbeck N, Goldbeck D. The Healthiest Diet in the World. Plume (Penguin Putnam Inc.) NY, 2001, pp 378-80 2001.
  • Terry P, Jain M, Miller AB et al. Dietary intake of folic acid and colorectal cancer risk in a cohort of women. Int J Cancer 2002 Feb 20;97(6):864-7 2002.
  • Wood, Rebecca. The Whole Foods Encyclopedia. New York, NY: Prentice-Hall Press; 1988 1988. PMID:15220.

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Overwhelming evidence of the need for nutritional supplementation

US Senate Document #264 documents severe mineral depletion going back to the 1930’s. The United Nations 1992 Earth Summit Report notes an average of 85% mineral depletion over the past 100 years for North American farm and range soils.

Our fruits and vegetables, as well as the grasses and vegetation that farm animals eat, are deficient in minerals and vitamins. Refining foods further reduces nutrients (such as white bread, sugar and corn syrup).

Fruits and vegetables are cultivated using chemical fertilizers, pesticides and waste contaminants Harvested prematurely and artificially ripened, produce is then sprayed, processed, radiated and coated with toxic chemicals to improve appearance and prolong shelf life—all of which significantly reduces nutritional values.

Frightening livestock production practices Beef, poultry and pork are loaded with antibiotics, hormones, steroids, drugs and toxic chemicals to reduce the risk of disease in overcrowded pens and to increase yield. These substances accumulate in our bodies, interfere with normal cell functions, trigger abnormal immune responses, stimulate premature puberty, and are often known carcinogens. As well, the transfer of antibiotics from animals to humans is resulting in bacteria and viruses that have adapted to antibiotics, thus reducing the effectiveness of
antibiotics taken by humans.

Alarming increase in immune system disorders Over the past 5 years, the incidence of immune system disorders has increased more than 200%.

Auto-immune disorders are rapidly increasing with more than 8 million cases confirmed and 30 million additional cases suspected in the US (The Autoimmune
Diseases, Third Edition, Rose and Mackay, 1998).

Fatigue and lack of energy

Doctors report that a primary health complaint is extreme fatigue and lack of energy. Hectic lifestyles, Pressure-filled jobs and commutes, financial struggles, information overload, eating on the run, depression, anxiety, coping with health issues—all rob us of vital energy and essential nutrients. According to studies by the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Health Statistics, lifestyle related diseases, such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes are the leading causes of death in the US.


Fast food diets laden with salt, sugar, corn syrup, refined flours, bad oils and toxic additives exacerbate health problems. A Call to Action by the US Surgeon General (2001) noted that 61% of adults in the US are overweight and that the incidence of overweight among adolescents has tripled in the past 20 years.

Environmental pollution

The air we breathe and the water we drink are contaminated with a wide variety of pollutants.

Bowel irregularities

Stagnating waste and chronic constipation can poison the entire body.

Substance Abuse

Alcohol, tobacco and drugs (including many prescription drugs) all have significant side effects and long-term health implications.

What to Look for in a Dietary Supplement

Whole food is the key

The body recognizes whole foods and can readily assimilate and utilize them. Synthetic nutrients formulated in a lab lack the full spectrum of naturally occurring phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids and other micronutrients. The lack of these co-factors limits absorption, increases the risk of toxicity and can even cause secondary nutrient deficiencies.

Liquid form

When a whole food dietary supplement is in a liquid, ionic solution, up to 98% of the nutrients are available for absorption and utilization by the body. Vitamins and minerals in pill form may be only 10% to 20% absorbable (1996 Physicians Desk Ref., pg 1542).

Natural and complete

Sea vegetables are the most mineral-rich plants on earth. They contain more vitamins and minerals than any form of land vegetation. Sea water contains mineral ratios that are remarkably similar to blood plasma. Sea plants pre-digest and concentrate this balanced source of minerals into a highly bioavailable ionic state.

Whole food dietary supplements are safe

They supplement the vegetables and fruits in your diet—a vital part of healthy eating and a good food budget. Whole food products are excellent prenatal supplements. Supplements in liquid whole food form may also increase the efficiency of diets, medicines and herbs, while reducing the time required to achieve the desired results.

Organic minerals

Minerals exist in two forms, organic and inorganic. Organic minerals are far easier for the body to use. Inorganic minerals can be used, but must be converted to organic form through chelation. Chelation attaches an organic carrier so that minerals can be transported through cell walls. Excellent chelating agents include
organic acids such as amino acids and orotic acid.

Sea vegetables

With the passage of untold millennium, vast amounts of life-sustaining minerals have washed into the sea. In the process of converting sunlight to energy, sea vegetables reabsorb these nutrients and organically bind them in an ionic state. In contrast, modern farming practices have depleted our soils of essential nutrients —thus sea vegetables are far superior nutritionally to land vegetables. Additionally, minerals that are toxic in their natural state, such as iodine, arsenic and aluminum, are neutralized by the sea vegetables—this makes them harmless and even beneficial. For example, iodine in its pure form is poisonous—however, in its ionic form it is an essential nutrient for health.

Sea vegetable harvesting

Sea vegetables should be harvested only when fully ripened and from pristine waters. These arctic regeneration zones are biologically active areas that are free from herbicides, pesticides and heavy metal contamination. Tides and intense sunlight provide a constant state of nutrient-enriched plants and a rich feeding ground for many species. Harvesting the tender new growth of these plants increases their rate of growth.

Blending with Aloe Vera

Blending sea vegetables with Aloe vera juice adds to the nutritional value of the dietary supplement. Aloe varies widely in quality. Look for whole-leaf, cold processed juice that is certified by the International Aloe Science Council.

Aloe vera has been one of the most popular remedies throughout human history. A vast body of research confirms that Aloe vera has powerful healing and soothing properties. In addition, it contains large-chain sugar molecules that are ideal transporters of nutrients.

Although there are over 200 species of aloe, one of the best is Aloe Barbadensis, which contains over 75 nutritional compounds including vitamins, minerals and 18 amino acids. It has long been used for ailments ranging from cuts, burns and bruises to digestive and intestinal irregularities.

Black cherry and honey

Black cherry has been shown to reduce uric acid levels in the body, while bee honey is an excellent source of B complex vitamins, royal jelly, propolis and pollen.

Benefits of Sea Plants Blended with Aloe Vera

Contains every essential nutrient in perfect balance

  • Vitamins
  • Macro minerals
  • Trace minerals
  • Amino acids
  • Essential fatty acids
  • Enzymes

Cleanses the colon and normalizes pH levels

  • Facilitates elimination
  • Enhances assimilation
  • Improves absorption

Supports the circulatory and lymphatic systems

  • Detoxifies
  • Nourishes
  • Promotes Healing

Supports the immune system and Fortifies the body with essential nutrients needed to fight disease

Supports the nervous system

  • Fights the effects of stress
  • Improves vitality
  • Promotes a feeling of well-being

Supports metabolic processes

  • Facilitates digestion
  • Reduces cravings
  • Nourishes the glandular system

Increases oxygen at the cellular level

  • Promotes energy
  • Combats aging
  • Promotes stamina
  • Supports memory

Excellent source of antioxidants

Contains free radical scavengers known to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and strokes

Anti-inflammatory properties

  • Helps relieve inflammatory diseases
  • Helps reduce inflammation in arthritis
  • Helps reduce inflammation in sports injuries

Combats side effects of harmful substances

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Drugs
  • Environmental Pollutants

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Many people suffer from some sort of food allergy and are completely unaware of the health problems that are associated with them.

According to the Mayo Clinic, wheat is one of the most common children allergies… “Wheat allergy may result in a wide range of symptoms, including hives, difficulty breathing and nausea. Wheat allergy can also cause a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis.”

Here are some of the symptoms of having a wheat allergy:

If you or your child has wheat allergy, you or your child will likely experience symptoms within a few minutes to a few hours after eating something containing wheat. Wheat allergy symptoms include:

  • Swelling, itching or irritation of the mouth or throat
  • Hives, itchy rash or swelling of the skin
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Cramps, nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Anaphylaxis

For some people wheat allergy may cause a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. In addition to other signs and symptoms of wheat allergy, anaphylaxis may cause:

  • Swelling or tightness of the throat
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Severe difficulty breathing
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Pale, blue skin color
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Weak pulse

Age of onset
A wheat allergy may not be a life-long disorder. Whether or not you outgrow it may depend, in part, on when the allergy first appears.

  • Young children. Wheat allergy in children usually develops during infancy or early toddler years. Most children with wheat allergy have other food allergies. Children usually outgrow wheat allergy between ages 3 and 5.
  • Adolescents and adults. Wheat allergy isn’t as common in adolescents and adults.

When to see a doctor
Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that requires immediate care. People who already know they can have an anaphylactic reaction to wheat or another allergy-causing substance should carry two injectable doses of a drug called epinephrine. The second dose is a backup in case emergency services aren’t immediately available.

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is different from a simple allergy to wheat.  Celiac disease is an immune system response causing inflammation in the small intestine caused by Gluten, one type of protein found in wheat.

Celiac disease causes serious malabsorption of fat-soluble Vitamins and carotenoids which the body uses to for the production of Vitamin A. With Celiac there is always a certain degree of malnutrition despite an adequate diet. This is because the villi have been damaged and/or destroyed, so the body’s ability to absorb nutrients is greatly impaired.

A person who has Celiac disease does not digest protein properly—amino acids are vital for use by the body and in the repair of the intestinal tract. Also resulting from Celiac disease is a Vitamin K deficiency and calcium deficiencies. This, of
course, also indicates Magnesium and Vitamin D deficiencies.


Supplements: My personal supplement recommendations are as follows:

  • Body Balance~Drinking Body Balance is beneficial because it is absorbed so easily. It also contains plant based VITAMIN B12 which is greatly deficient in this condition. Also consider that aloe plays a major role in healing the intestinal tract. Plus the sea vegetables in Body Balance have been shown to promote an anti inflammatory response within a living body.
  • AminoCharge supplies bio-available amino acids. Someone who has Celiac disease does not digest protein properly—amino acids are vital for use by the body and in the repair of the intestinal tract. Also AminoCharge contains an enzyme complex which will aid in the breakdown and absorption, as well as the assimilation of the protein.
  • TrueGreens is a great source for the probiotics and greens. One of the things resulting from Celiac disease is a Vitamin K deficiency, and Vitamin K is found in this product. TrueGreens is also high in EFA’s, needed for the villi and the intestines.
  • OsteOmegaCare~Celiacs usually have calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D
    deficiencies. OsteOmegaCare is recommended because it helps maintain the body’s normal PH balance. As well, the glucosamine forms the basis of complex molecular structures of the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract.

Foods to avoid

Rice and corn can be eaten, but do not eat any products that contain barley, oats, rye or wheat. Watch for “hidden” sources of gluten…. Things such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, textured vegetable protein, hydrolyzed plant protein, all derivatives of wheat rye oats and barley, including malt, modified food starch, some soy sauces, grain vinegars, binders, fillers, excipients, and some natural flavourings. This would include such things as hot dogs, gravies, luncheon meats, beer, mustard, tomato sauce, some curry powders and seasonings. Also avoid sugary products, chocolate and processed foods as much as possible. It may also be necessary to remove dairy products from the diet, as there is usually a secondary lactase intolerance.

Gluten Free Recipes

I have come across a great book called “Healthy Urban Kitchen” The book program is a healthy eating system guide with recipes, meal plans and instruction about real food and gets rid of allergenic and inflammatory foods.

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Dr. Peter Cohen, writing last October in the New England Journal of Medicine, reported that the FDA in August of 2009 discovered that many products labeled as dietary supplements contained numerous undeclared active pharmaceutical ingredients.  Dr. Cohen wrote, “ Now, more than 140 contaminated products have been identified, but these represent only a fraction of the contaminated supplements on the marketplace…This trend is particularly alarming given that about 114 million people ~ more than half the adult population of the U.S. ~ consume dietary supplements.”

In episode #11 (season 2) of CSI, a woman poisons her husband with the chemical sodium selenite. Strange as it may sound, this exotic murder weapon and its close cousin, sodium selenate, are listed as “nutrients” on the labels of most mass-marketed vitamins.

Even though both sodium selenite and selenate are classified as dangerous and toxic to the environment by the EPA and the EU, they are the primary forms of selenium sold on the mass market today.

In fact, most mass marketed vitamins contain chemicals that the EPA does not allow in our public drinking water at levels above 50 parts per billion. This is the equivalent to a tablespoon of water in an Olympic-size swimming pool.

How can a vitamin manufacturer advertise something as being a “nutrient” when the EPA –  out of concern for our health –  has BARRED it from our drinking water at all but exceedingly minute levels?

Both sodium selenite and selenate have been shown to be toxic in reports from the Hazardous Substances Databank ( www.toxnet.nlm.nih.gov ) and PUBMED. These reports show that both forms can be carcinogenic and genotoxic and may contribute to reproductive and developmental problems in humans.

AND…here is a one for you…Sodium Selenate is in Centrum and One A Day Men’s, Women’s and teen formula, but is mysteriously missing from the One A Day Women’s PRE-NATAL formula…hummmmm I wonder why that is????

In the case of stannous chloride (tin), ferrous fumarate (iron) and manganese sulfate, there are significantly higher doses in CENTRUM than are considered safe for human consumption in a liter of water. Although the others listed are at levels well under the EPA’s allowable limit, it is simply amazing that they are found in a product for human consumption at any quantity, given their toxicity.

Here are the list of “ingredients”, their amounts present in Centrum and the limits set by the EPA

Sodium Selenate: 55 mcg, 50 mcg

Nickelous Sulfate: 5 mcg, 100 mcg

Stannous Chloride (Tin): 10 mcg, 4 mcg

Ferrous Fumarate (iron): 18 mg, 0.3 mg

Cupric Sulfate: 0.5 mg, 1.3 mg

Manganese Sulfate: 2.3 mg, 0.5 mg

Ultimately, we need to use common sense in our purchasing decisions and realize that some companies will intentionally mislead the public with the complicity of regulatory bodies like the FDA.

The irony is that BILLIONS of dollars in health care costs – and the suffering these costs represent – could be saved every year if Americans took the simple step of taking a good multi-vitamin every day. Look for manufactures that use whole foods, organic if possible. These vitamin supplements are easier for our bodies to absorb and to utilize and therefore contribute more significantly to filling the voids in our diet.

So, daily whole food vitamin supplements can help reduce health care costs…does anyone have the phone number to the White House?

Body Balance ~ Whole food nutrition as Mother Nature intended!

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The adrenal glands sit immediately above the kidneys. Endocrine system organs, the adrenal glands secrete, produce and maintain hormones that are released when the body experiences stress or danger. Impaired adrenal gland function leads to adrenal disorders.

Adrenal gland functions include regulation of the main stress hormones, adrenaline, DHEA, cortisol, and norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter. The outer cortex produces hormones and the inner medulla secretes adrenaline and norepinephrine.

When stress or danger are perceived, the adrenal glands go to work to protect the body. Released adrenaline creates heightened alertness. Cortisol taps into glucose stores to provide energy.

Stress from work or from life in general is bad enough but with the boom of the “Energy” drink market, Adrenal fatigue is fast becoming THE medical concern for the 21st century. When you artificially stimulate the body through daily consumption of high levels of caffeine and sugar your adrenal glands are put into hyper drive and serious health consequences can be the result.

An underactive adrenal cortex can cause serious disorders. Adrenal gland disorders include Addison’s disease, Cushing’s and Schmidt’s syndromes.

Adrenal fatigue is not a new condition. People have been experiencing this condition for years. Although there is increasing physician awareness, many are not familiar with adrenal fatigue as a distinct syndrome. Because of this lack of knowledge, patients suffer because they are not properly diagnosed or treated.

Adrenal fatigue is a condition in which the adrenal glands function at a sub-optimal level when patients are at rest, under stress, or in response to consistent, intermittent, or sporadic demands. The adrenal glands are two small glands that sit over the kidneys and are responsible for secreting over 50 different hormones—including epinephrine, cortisol, progesterone, DHEA, estrogen, and testosterone. Over the past century, adrenal fatigue has been recognized as Non-Addison’s hypoadrenia, subclinical hypoadrenia, neurasthenia, adrenal neurasthenia, and adrenal apathy.

Some key signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue include salt cravings, increased blood sugar under stress, increased PMS, perimenopausal, or menopausal symptoms under stress, mild depression, lack of energy, decreased ability to handle stress, muscle weakness, absent mindedness, decreased sex drive, mild constipation alternating with diarrhea, as well as many others.

What Can We Do To Avoid Or Mitigate Adrenal Fatigue?
There are dietary supplements and other natural ingredients that have been shown to assist the body in overcoming Adrenal Fatigue. The supplements I recommend below are manufactured by the company Life Force International. I have personally used the supplements listed below for several years and I recommend them to everyone.

All nutrients are needed for proper adrenal function. When someone has adrenal fatigue, their system is very depleted and they need to get their nutrients in a way that doesn’t tax the body. Breaking down pills and capsules puts a lot of stress on an already overstressed system, and they don’t get broken down or absorbed properly.

Body Balance is therefore a wonderful way to get nutrients into the body in a way that doesn’t put any stress on the system. There are a number of nutrients that appear to be deficient with this disorder, especially minerals, and Body Balance has a huge array of minerals, Vitamins, amino acids and enzymes in an easy to take liquid drink.

Calcium, magnesium and potassium are some of the macro nutrients depleted with this disorder. OsteoProCare and OsteOmegaCare are great sources of bio-available calcium, magnesium and potassium, as well as other co-factors necessary for the full absorption and utilization of these essential nutrients.

It is recommended that the person consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly green leafy ones. Chlorophyll cleanses the bloodstream, which is extremely important in helping the body re-balance.

TrueGreens provides a wonderful array of concentrated green food, as well as enzymes that help in their digestion. This helps these nutrients find a way into the system that doesn’t put extra stress on the digestion. It is an easy way to get an abundance of greens into the diet, without having to eat platefuls of food.

SunSet contains calming herbs such as St John’s Wort, passionflower, valerian and chamomile, all of which are good stress reducers. It also contains COQ10 which helps carry oxygen to the glands.

SunBright contains a combination of different herbs in here to help stimulate adrenal function and to combat fatigue. One example is astragalus, which has been shown to specifically improve adrenal gland function and also aid in stress reduction. There are amino acids in SunBright which also play a major role in supporting the healthy functioning of the adrenal glands, and in relieving the excess stress that the glands are under.

TruBoost contains ingredients that help the adrenal glands to prepare the body for stressful situations, and provide support in the event of over-stressing. The adaptogenic herbs ashwaganda and tulsi work very specifically with lowering the output of the adrenal hormone cortisol. The continual outpouring of cortisol is what causes adrenal fatigue.

Other Recommendations:
Brewer’s yeast gives a food source of B Vitamins that are necessary for healthy adrenal function. Nuts (raw) and good quality cold-pressed oils are essential. Eat small deep sea fish and salmon, as these are wonderful sources of EFA’s and easily assimilable protein.

Include garlic, onions, shitake mushrooms and pearl barley. These foods contain germanium, a powerful stimulant of the immune system. Body Balance also contains germanium.

Obviously avoid anything that is going to tax the adrenals even more: alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, fried foods, red meats, highly processed foods, soda, sugar, white flour.

These are all actually poisons to the adrenal system. Getting regular moderate exercise is also really important, even though you may not feel you have the energy.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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“Aloe is to an AIDS patient such as insulin is to a diabetic.” ~ Terry Pulse, M.D.

Aloe Vera in Body Balance

Our present emerging state of holistic health consciousness is due, in part, to people who are willing to look beyond traditional thinking in health care.

An open mind among health professionals is only one stage in the holistic health movement. The education of the patient is also paramount in the new health consciousness.

This is the day of individuals being responsible for themselves and their health expression. Information is the key to knowledge. Only you can determine: Is Aloe vera (and its properties) mythical, magical, or medicinal?


Since 1987, it has apparently been relatively common knowledge among AIDS victims in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that Aloe juice or a drug (POLYSACCHARIDE or ACEMANNAN), derived from it, will provide relief from the symptoms of the disease and will keep those who have the virus but who do not have any of the symptoms of AIDS from developing the disease.

Even though the evidence available is preliminary, we feel that because the work was done at the Dallas-Fort Worth Medical Center, Grand Prairie, Texas, and because of the status of the physicians involved, the work is important. We believe we would be remiss in not reporting the results achieved thus far. It is very important to understand that this research does not show that Aloe vera is a cure for AIDS, but it does indicate that in all cases examined, excellent results were achieved, and that in a majority of test cases, Aloe vera stopped the progress of the disease.

In other words, Aloe is not a cure for AIDS, but is a highly effective treatment.

This premise was first put forward in an article titled “Aloe Drug May Mimic AZT Without Toxicity” in Medical World News, December, 1987. The article reported on the research work of Dr. H. Reginald McDaniel. According to Dr. McDaniel, “A substance in the Aloe plant (acemannan) shows preliminary signs of boosting AIDS patients’ immune systems and blocking the human immune-deficiency virus’ spread, without toxic side effects.”

The results of Dr. McDaniel’s pilot study showed that the symptoms of sixteen AIDS patients were significantly reduced when given 1,000 mg. a day of the drug for three months. After three months, six patients with advanced cases of AIDS showed a 20% improvement in symptoms, while less seriously ill patients improved by an average of 71%. Dr. McDaniel has also reported his research findings at the combined meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists and College of American Pathologists. He says, “Fever and symptoms of night sweats, diarrhea, and opportunistic infections were either eliminated or significantly improved in all patients, with corresponding drops in HIV antibody positive cell cultures and HIV core antigen levels.” Red cell mass increased in all but one patient and twelve initially leukopenic patients had a slight rise in white count after treatment.

No toxic effects have been noted in a total of twenty-nine patients who have now received the experimental drug. There is also evidence that good quality Aloe vera juice can relieve the symptoms of AIDS. This is not surprising, since the drug (POLYSACCHARIDE or ACEMANNAN) is produced by the plant and would be present in the juice.

An article by Irwin Frank in the July 12, 1988 edition of The Dallas Times Herald, quotes Dr. Terry Pulse as saying that twenty ounces of Aloe vera juice, with the drug stabilized in the Aloe, was administered orally to sixty-nine AIDS patients. (Apparently, the doctor means stabilized Aloe vera juice.)

According to the article, Pulse says the patients treated with the drug were classified as those who would “never improve or get better,” but following treatment, were able to “return to normal work.” The article quotes Dr. Pulse as saying that these patients, “…go back to their standard energy level, their symptoms disappear almost completely—and that’s in 81% of the patients that I put on this drug.” He adds that those patients with the AIDS virus who showed no symptoms of the disease remained free of symptoms while taking the drug, which is derived from the Aloe vera plant.

“The sooner you can get patients on this drug, the better off they are,” says Pulse. He said his patients take twenty ounces of the liquid a day “and I keep them on it indefinitely. I’ve had some of them on it for over two years.”

“We have had deaths,” he says, “but in those patients (who died), most can be attributed to having gone and gotten chemotherapy for skin cancers or whatever, or have taken other drugs in combination that knocked out the immune system, such as AZT.”

When asked what his study and treatment meant as far as an AIDS treatment or cure is concerned, Pulse replied, “It means that until there is a magic bullet, this is a stopgap measure, and it buys them (the AIDS patients) time at a fraction of the cost” of AZT.

After reading this article, I obtained copies of the actual research data published by Dr. Pulse, together with his colleagues, H. R. McDaniel and T. Reg Watson, all of the Dallas-Fort Worth Medical Center.

This information was evaluated to eliminate the confusing aspects concerning exactly what was used in the study, whether the product was Aloe vera juice or the drug, or both, and in what percentages.

From this data and further investigation, it appears that Aloe vera juice in its natural state is just as effective as a treatment for AIDS as the freeze-dried drug derived from it.

It is obvious that any AIDS patient who believes that Aloe vera might help his condition should be very careful to buy only real, 100% Aloe Vera Juice which, as we have noted repeatedly elsewhere, neither looks nor tastes like water. Real Aloe,  has a rather tart taste.

Body Balance by LifeForce International combine organic Aloe Vera juice with a blend of 9 wild harvested sea vegetables. The Best Of Land And Sea

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Americans are now spending more than $17 billion a year on supplements for health and wellness. Strangely enough, the rates of some forms of chronic disease have not changed, while the rates of others have actually increased. There are a number of reasons for these poor statistics and many things remain a mystery.

One thing seems fairly clear, however…

Most supplements aren’t helping very much.

I’m not saying there are no helpful supplements out there. There certainly are. What is becoming more apparent, however, is supplements will not help much if one does not first address the necessary basics of health and healing.

What is also clear is that not all supplements are created equal.

Whole Food Nutrients vs. Synthetic, Isolated Nutrients

Most people are at least somewhat familiar with the idea that whole foods are better for you than refined foods. Although there are numerous viewpoints on what kind of foods we should or should not be eating, as well as the ideal ratio of these foods, everyone from all corners of the diet and nutrition world seems to agree on one thing: No matter which foods we choose and in what ratios we eat them, whole foods are better for you than refined foods.

This fact has never really been argued. Everyone agrees raw honey is better for you than white sugar or that brown rice is better for you than white rice. Why should it be any different for vitamins?

Often, I have been puzzled by the health care professional who goes on and on about the value of whole foods and how refined foods—having been robbed of all the extra nutrients they naturally come with—are not healthy for you. Then, they go on to prescribe a shopping bag full of isolated, refined vitamins for you to take!

Just like refined foods, these refined vitamins have been robbed of all of the extra accessory nutrients that they naturally come with as well. In turn, like refined foods, they can create numerous problems and imbalances in your body if taken at high levels for long periods of time. They can also act more like drugs in your body, forcing themselves down one pathway or another. At the very least, they won’t help you as much as high quality food and food-based supplements.

Whole Food Supplements

Whole food supplements are what their name suggests: Supplements made from concentrated whole foods. The vitamins found within these supplements are not isolated. They are highly complex structures that combine a variety of enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, trace elements, activators and many other unknown or undiscovered factors all working together synergistically, to enable this vitamin complex to do its job in your body.

Nutrients from within this complex cannot be taken apart or isolated from the whole, and then be expected to do the same job in the body as the whole complex
is designed to do.

The perfect example of this difference can be seen in an automobile. An automobile is a wonderfully designed complex machine that needs all of its parts to be present and in place to function properly. Wheels are certainly an important part of the whole, but you could never isolate them from the rest of the car, call them a car or expect them to function like a car. They need the engine, body and everything else.

The same analogy applies to the vitamin C (ascorbic acid) or vitamin E (delta tocopherol) you can find on most health food store shelves. They are parts of an entire complex that serve a purpose when part of the whole. However, they cannot do the job of the entire complex by themselves.

With similar logic in place, one can analyze what a typical multivitamin truly is. The automobile equivalent of creating a multivitamin would be going to a junk yard, finding all of the separate parts you would need to make up an entire automobile, throwing them together in a heap (or capsule in terms of the multivitamin) and expecting that heap to drive like a car!

Obviously, there is a difference…

Science cannot create life. Only life can create life.

Synthetic or Isolated Nutritional Supplements

Isolated nutrients or synthetic nutrients are not natural, in that they are never found by themselves in nature. Taking these isolated nutrients, especially at the ultrahigh doses found in formulas today, is more like taking a drug. Studies show the body treats these isolated and synthetic nutrients like xenobiotics (foreign substances).

By the same token, food-based supplements are never treated like this by your body. For example, your urine will never turn florescent yellow, no matter how much meat (a good source of B vitamins) you eat. This sort of rapid excretion happens only with foreign substances in your body.

Not only are isolated nutrients treated like drugs or other chemicals by your body. Like drugs, they can create problems for you too. Nature does not produce any nutrient in an isolated form. The nutrients in foods are blended together in a specific way and work best in that format. For an isolated nutrient to work properly in the body, it needs all the other parts that are naturally present in the food too.

If the parts are not all there from the start, they are taken from the body’s stored supply. This is why isolated nutrients often work for a little while, then seem to stop working. Once your body’s store of the extra nutrients is used up, the isolated nutrient you’re taking doesn’t work as well anymore. Worse yet, a deficiency in these extra nutrients can be created in your body.

And, because most nutrients are isolated from the foods they come in — using a wide array of potentially nasty solvents and other chemicals — taking high amounts of these products can also expose you to these potentially toxic chemicals, if care is not taken to remove them. With the burden we are already facing from the high number of chemicals in our environment, why would anyone want to add more?

Synergy and Potency

The various parts of a natural vitamin complex work together in a synergistic manner. Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Separating the group of compounds (in a vitamin complex) converts it from a physiological, biochemical, active micronutrient into a disabled, debilitated chemical of little or no value to living cells. The synergy is gone.

In other words, the automobile, in its original form, will drive better than a pile of its individual parts.

Most people don’t follow this logic when examining a nutritional supplement!!!

Supplement makers typically try to stuff as much as possible in a capsule, telling us that the more we take, the better it is for us. This is simply not the case. As you now know, it is not necessarily the amount of a nutrient you ingest that is important, but its form and how much is bioavailable that counts the most. In fact, remembering that ingesting single nutrients can actually create imbalances in the body, logic would dictate the higher the level of a single nutrient that you take in, the quicker this imbalance will occur.

What all of this means: The potency of a supplement has much more to do with synergy than with actual nutrient levels. It is a combined effect of all the parts of the food, rather than the chemical effect of a single part, that is most important.

Body Balance: Nutrition as Mother Nature intended!

Click here for more information and data sheet

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There are literally thousands of scientific research papers and data on the powerful health benefits relating to Aloe Vera and wild ocean sea vegetables. While current laws are very specific about what substances can be said to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent a disease, it is crystal clear from the following medical references that many of the compounds/ingredients contained in Aloe Vera and Sea Vegetables have very powerful health supporting benefits.

It should not take too long a leap of faith to come to the logical conclusion that any product in the marketplace that contains Aloe Vera and Sea Vegetables like Body Balance, should be an essential part of your personal health/wellness program.

Pub Med is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 18 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. PubMed includes links to full text articles and other related resources.

PubMed is on the NCBI…National Center for Biotechnology Information webpage.

NCBI was Established in 1988 as a national resource for molecular biology information, NCBI creates public databases, conducts research in computational biology, develops software tools for analyzing genome data, and disseminates biomedical information – all for the better understanding of molecular processes affecting human health and disease.


1. Research has shown that Fucoidan is a natural anti-coagulant that helps prevent thickening of arterial walls. Fucoidan was researched as a natural alternative to the anti-coagulant drug Heparin for post-angioplasty intimal hyperplasia (thickening of blood vessel walls after reconstructive surgeries and the main reason for late bypass graft failures)


2. PubMED has over 130 medical articles on the anti-tumor properties of Fucoidan

One anti-cancer research report summarized its findings on Fucoidan saying, ” These results suggest that the anti-tumor activity of fucoidan is related to the enhancement of immune responses. The present results indicate that fucoidan may open new perspectives in cancer chemotherapy. Antitumor activity and immunological properties of marine algal polysaccharides, especially fucoidan, prepared from Sargassum thunbergii of Phaeophyceae


3. Carrageenans…have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Medical research has shown that Carrageenans can kill both the bacteria Streptococcus and the Herpes Virus. http://www.bryantlabs.com/redmarinealgae-treatments.htm

4. Antitumor active fucoidan from the brown seaweed.


Palmaria palmate and Porphyra or Nori

Extracts from dulse (Palmaria palmate) are effective antioxidants and inhibitors of cell proliferation in vitro.

School of Nutrition, Faculty of Community Services, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M5B 2K3. yyuan@ryerson.ca

Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of extracts from a variety of edible seaweeds.

Yuan YV, Walsh NA.

School of Nutrition, Faculty of Community Services, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont., Canada M5B 2K3. yyuan@ryerson.ca

Dietary Laminaria and Porphyra sp. have been reported to reduce the risk of intestinal or mammary cancer in animal studies.

Aloe Vera

1. Identification of five phytosterols from Aloe vera gel as anti-diabetic compounds.


2. The inner gel component of Aloe vera suppresses bacterial-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines from human immune cells.


3. The in vitro immunomodulatory effects of glyconutrients on peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome



1. IANA (International Academy Nutrition & Aging) task force on nutrition and cognitive decline with aging.


2. The role of diet in cognitive decline.


3. Metabolic and functional defects in selenium deficiency.


4. Selected vitamins and trace elements support immune function by strengthening epithelial barriers and cellular and humoral immune responses.


5. Nutrient intakes in women and congenital diaphragmatic hernia in their offspring. March of Dimes, California Research Division, Oakland, California 94609, USA. WYang@marchofdimes.com


PubMed PMID 7022654…says, “nutrient depletion in soil is leading to a continual decline of nutrients in foods”…”Humans need essential trace elements…they are indispensable for life”


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