
Posts Tagged ‘paul devlin’

Life Force International Crown Diamond Paul Devlin reveals how his initial exposure to the Network Marketing industry went from skepticism and failure to financial freedom

For a limited time, persons researching the Life Force International business model can access this information that will cover the following:

Why, after having negative experiences with two different Network Marketing companies Paul Devlin left the industry altogether.

Why, after researching a little known San Diego based company called Life Force International, Paul Devlin sold his highly successful six-figure a year consulting company and started his own Life Force business.

How this company that started from a card table in a home garage turned a Network Marketing skeptic into a believer and top income earner.

Why Paul Devlin is convinced that Life Force International is on its way to becoming the next Billion dollar a year company.

Paul Devlin’s KEY points to look for before joining ANY network marketing company.

You can get all this information for free at http://mineralsfromthesea.net

For more information, please contact:
John F. Obraza
Healthy LifeStyle Marketing
E-mail: healthy_lifestyle@adelphia.net

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